How to Backup Your Data
Wondering how to backup? Great! Our one wish for you is to avoid ever needing our service in the first place! The best way to do this is to save two or more copies of your files in two or more places.
To The Cloud!
A good all-round option for risk mitigation is cloud storage (online, encrypted storage space that is dedicated to backups, accessible anywhere). There are many big names in this industry and finding the right one may mean reading reviews, evaluating prices and your own circumstances and requirements. CrashPlan+ is an excellent option for the home user. You might consider Google Drive or Dropbox for incidental items (these aren’t encrypted but there are workarounds for advanced users), but a better solution will be hosted in your own country, encrypted, fast and reliable.
Keep It Offline Instead
If you don’t like the idea of cloud storage as a backup, another great option is to buy an external hard drive or portable drive that comes with backup software. Many brands offer such software, typically listing it on the box in-store. Alternatively, Syncback Freeware is an excellent example of a free, automated backup application for Windows. There is also Microsoft’s own Windows Backup that is particularly good from Windows Vista SP2 onwards (including Win 7, 8 and 10). Mac users should strongly consider trying the built-in Time Machine, which will keep many revisions of backups on their external hard drive.
Redundancy is Key
The key is to keep it in a different physical location to where your main backup and computer live; possibly at a parent or friends’ home, or even in a locked box in the shed. Bring it back to your computer every fortnight or two to update its contents (or you might rotate it with your other external drive, ensuring you’re always covered). Storing a second drive in a different physical location is important to consider because data loss can be experienced from not only drive failure or software problems, but from theft and fire or other disasters that can wipe out your ‘primary site’.
When Less Space Is Needed
If you’re only working with one important file that follows you around on your USB drive (such as an Excel spreadsheet or Quickbooks/MYOB database file), consider emailing yourself a copy periodically too. A small cloud storage subscription is an excellent choice in this scenario, complimenting the copy on your USB drive or in your email inbox.
Bottom Line
Whatever method you decide to employ, try to ensure you aren’t storing your eggs in the one basket and you’ll hopefully avoid ever needing our services!